
Final Poster

London to Brighton Poster Deconstruction

This poster from the film London to Brighton, inspires us as we are fond of the idea of having the boy waiting, similar to this, but at a station platform. We would try and create the picture to show he was not waiting for anything in particular, he was not even neccesarily waiting for a train but was purely sitting there to show his life is random and he has not much else to do. His life is repetitive and has no set direction, he is just waiting for a 'train' to put him on a path to some sort of stability. 

Initial Poster Design

Poster 1

This poster is very iconic with the
 dog in the foreground,
representing loyalty as well as violence
as the breed is a
 'status dog.' The houses in the
 background represent Britain.
 The typography is urban looking,
it looks rough and dirty
 which portrays the personality of the
 protagonist, as well as
other boys in the trailer. 

Poster 2

The dog is again iconic here. This time we have added Jack in the
poster as well, showing the friendship and the relationship between them.
the dark location with lights shows his culture, and the train platform represents
the image we are trying to give of his lifestyle. This is like the Streets Album cover.