Saturday, October 22, 2011

Final story board

For the final version of our story board we decided to draw the pictures on the computer using the programme 'paint'. This gave the images an animated effect which we thought was effective as it gave us more of an idea about what the trailer would actually look like.

shot: establishing shot of london buildings at night time
purpose: to show where the film is set
shot: long shot of train going over bridge

purpose: to set the location and show the trailer is set an urban area.
shot: long shot of boy and his dog walking into tunnel

purpose: the graffiti in the tunnel relates to the area the trailer is set in and gives an insight to the type of people appearing in the trailer. The purpose of him walking into the tunnel is to highlight the beggining of his journey.
black screen with text 'sometimes in life your choices are made for you' to give a brief outline of the narrative.

purpose: to help build tension and give the trailer a slight mystery, whilst telling the audience an outline of the storyline.
shot: long shot of boy and his dog sitting at a train station.

Purpose: to show that his life is random and has no set direction.

'One opportunity, what will he choose?'

shot: long shot of gang of boys in car park and main character with his dog approaching them.

purpose: to show the sort of people Jack hangs around with.

shot: tracking shot of boy and his dog walking through london.

'Respect or Loyalty'

shot: close up of boy smoking a spliff/ cigarette.
shot: long shot of boy and his dog running through london.

purpose: to show he has done something wrong, highlighting his rebelish nature

shot: close up of boy counting his money

shot: boy being watched on CCTV

shot: long shot of boy in bedroom/garage

shot: close up of wheel spin

shot: long shot of car approaching the boy

shot: mid shot of boy in car window

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